
Thursday, September 19, 2013


Today I'm starting my experiment with a website called "Buffer App" ( This website helps you manage your twitter, facebook, linkedin, and google + accounts. 

Have you ever wondered when the best time to post something is? (not new items but general posts about articles you've read, updates about your shop, sales, etc). Well this website helps you post those things at the right time. 

The best part is, if you're like me and can "never find the time" to post on these sites, you just need to take a few minutes out of every day to line up the posts you'd like to do for the day. Buffer than lines them up and posts them at what it knows as your busiest times. This way each post will hopefully reach a larger range of your followers. Buffer also keeps track of your statistics: views, clicks, and so on. 

All it takes is signing up through one of your accounts (twitter / FB / etc) and allowing the website to have access. The website must have access to be able to post for you. 

You can also choose if you want those posts being sent to all of your social media sites, or just one, or just a few. If you copy paste a link into the "sharing" space, give it a few seconds and it will shorten the link for you. This then gives you more room for wording! 

If you already have an idea of when you'd like to post time wise, you can also set your own schedule. It's also important to make sure it's set to your correct time zone as well! 

Best of all.... It's FREE! 

There is also a $10 a month option that connects to up to 12 social networks for you. Which is at least good to know incase you find it useful! 

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