
Friday, March 14, 2014


Using Pinterest for free marketing!

What is Pinterest? Pinterest is a website full of images. Remember all of those inspiration boards and collages you made as a kid from old magazines and newspaper clippings? Well, this is the online version! You can have different "boards" for different subject matter. Many businesses including large brands like Saks Fifth Avenue have started using this site as a marketing tool!

So first of all after creating an account - make this account about your business - it can have some personal interests but don't go too far - make a board for your shop for example: "Freaky Friday Shop".

Most boards afterwards should be things related to your business and lifestyle. If you want to have other boards for yourself you can have "private" boards that only you can see! 

The next few pictures will both show how to create a board and how to make a board "private" if you so choose!

Now, you're probably wondering about the other options, and how to pin! The top option as seen in the image above, is to "upload a pin". This is to upload a pin from your computer. Pretty simple. The next one is "add from a website". This one is also pretty simple. Grab the URL from the website or the image itself and type it in. It will then pull up any images it can find. You can then pin whichever image you desire onto whichever board you where planning to.

Some tricks:
Want to pin your etsy items? This will upload your main photo for your etsy listing. It will also link to your listing if anyone clicks on the image!

Okay, but what if you want a different picture from that listing? Good question!

First you choose the images and right click on it. Click "copy image URL". Then upload from website on pinterest. Copy / Paste it in, choose the image and pin it to the appropriate board. 

Once you've pinned the image to your board, go to that board and find the image. Once you've found it click on that little button on the right that looks like a pencil. It's the edit button! 

Then go back to your original etsy listing and copy paste the listing's URL into the website location. This way it will still link anyone who clicks on the image to your etsy listing. Otherwise it will just link to your image with no ideas of where to find the item for sale. 

Also, start finding that community of businesses, friends, acquaintances that are all related to your business and follow them. You can also choose to un-follow any boards you are not interested in seeing on your feed. 

The point of this website is to get people to see your images and "re-pin" them onto their boards. The further that image can travel, the more chances of sales and general traffic to your shop. This can lead to sales so it's worth spending a little time on, at least when you have new product to introduce. 

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