So I'm sure for those of you who would like to maintain a blog are wondering what to blog about. Well obviously, this really does depend on what it is you are selling. So I'm going to give a list of ideas of appropriate blog post ideas and you can pick and choose ones that work for your shop!
Shop Updates!
-Let your followers know whats new in your shop, any upcoming sales and the details, any markets you might be selling at. Remember to give a few weeks or at least days notice if it's an event update!
Editorial / Look Book Photographs
-Have fun! Do some photo shoots of your product in a real life or creative setting!
-If you sell wearables (clothing, jewelry, accessories, etc) do some editiorial style photoshoots of people actually wearing your products.
Customer Appreciation Photos!
-The more you sell the more you'll start to receive photographs of the person either wearing your product, or where they've placed the painting in their home for example. Gather a few of these every once in a while and post them! Show off how happy your customers are so people can get the feeling that they will be one of them.
***Always remember to ask permission to re-post any images of your costumers!
Related Interests
-Maybe you just read an article you really liked and want to do a write up about it (again still related to your product)
-Or maybe you want to show off a friend's art work, or collaborations
-Maybe something historical about the creation / start of what you do. If you're in fashion, have the occasional article about fashion history, etc.
-Let people know what's been inspiring you lately! Whether it's a fashion icon, the shade of the leaves on the trees, or your cat. Let us know!
Sneak Peak:
-Have photos of you working on your next collection of things for the shop without giving away too much! Make people excited for what may be next!
How To
-Now depending on what you sell, maybe there are some "how-to" blog posts you can do. Now, don't give away how you make your product, but maybe you have a fun craft to show off. One that would be fun to have everyone make. Like a Christmas ornament, etc. That way, every time they look at what they created they think of you and your shop!
Other Things to Post About
-COMING SOON (post things that will be hitting the shop soon)
-The things on your wish list! Remember to be part of the community! What related items are on your wish list?
These are just ideas! Remember to always make your posts look cohesive. Make sure the images are all the same size, and look pleasant when scrolling through.
The more your post, the more attention you will get. But don't over post, you will run out of things to say! 1 - 3 days a week is plenty!
Also TAG YOUR POSTS! On the right hand side it says "labels" click it and type in related search words to make it easier to search. That way when people are searching for "fox art" for example, you will pop up in the search engine!
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